Why Sanitizing & Cleaning Baby Items is Important?

Why Cleaning / Sanitizing Baby Stuff is Important!

There are tons of reasons to clean and sanitize areas touched by babies - toys, cribs, high chairs, etc.  but the biggest one is to keep our kids as healthy as possible.

Because toddlers are always playing with each other's toys (and each other), cleaning toys is crucial to keeping colds away. Especially during the colder indoor months.  The Perago™ Hand Held Steamer is a versatile tool to have around if you’ve got children/grandchildren or take care of small children. It simultaneously cleans and sanitizes safely without the use of chemicals.

  • Clean once or twice weekly all baby and toddler toys.  They are often placed in the child’s mouth and are sometimes shared with other children.
  • Potty training seats should be sanitized frequently; steam the top and inside of pails to keep germs from growing and to keep odor at bay.
  • High chairs get plenty of wear and lots of sticky foods.  There are many crevices for food to get stuck in easily.  Steam gets into each of them easily to sanitize and clean.  And, it’s a great chemical-free way to sanitize and clean.
  • Babies spend much of their time sleeping.  So keeping their mattresses clean is essential.  Diaper leaks can happen and become a mess to clean.  Sanitizing the mattress with steam will deodorize and also kill allergy-causing dust mites in the process.
  • Sanitizing the baby stroller and baby swings should be done regularly to avoid growth and the spreading of germs.  Trays & cups should be sanitized frequently as well.

Keeping toys and baby stuff clean is a challenge for all parents.  Using the Perago™ Hand Held Steamer will give you peace of mind that you are helping keep germs away and keep your child healthy.

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