Germs Hiding In Your Kitchen


What’s the dirtiest, most germ-filled place in your home? If you guessed the kitchen, you’d be right. Kitchen germs are notorious. The sink is a great place for E. coli to live and grow since it’s wet and moist. According to some estimates, there are over 500,000 bacteria in a typical kitchen sink—1000 times more than the bacteria in an average toilet. Food particles from plates left to soak or rinsed from dishes on their way to the dishwasher can serve as a breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria Although most people take steps to disinfect their toilet bowls, few give their kitchen sink the same consideration. Many times the sink gets rinse and it is assumed that is clean. Often times it is recommended washing it with a solution of bleach and water and then letting the solution run down the drain. Bleach is considered a chlorine-based corrosive substance. Bleach is potent enough to kill even the worst bacteria; it makes sense that it poses a danger to those who use it creating dangerous, toxic fumes to be emitted into the air of your household. These toxins can cause serious, sometimes deadly, side effects when inhaled. Bleach is toxic to people, animals and our environment. Cleaning is essential to protecting health in our homes. Cleaning and disinfecting with the Perago QuickSteam Handheld Sanitizer with super-heated, dry steam will kill the bacteria in your sink makes it a safer and healthier alternative for your family

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