Cleaning Tips

Steam Cleaning Is Much Safer Than Cleaning With Chemicals.

Steam Cleaning Is Much Safer Than Cleaning With Chemicals.

PERAGO QUICKsteam Floor steamers and PERAGO QUICKsteam Handheld steamers sanitize your home and leave it safe for your family Don't Let the Chemica...
Germs Hiding In Your Kitchen

Germs Hiding In Your Kitchen

  What’s the dirtiest, most germ-filled place in your home? If you guessed the kitchen, you’d be right. Kitchen germs are notorious. The sink is a ...
Why Sanitizing & Cleaning Baby Items is Important?

Why Sanitizing & Cleaning Baby Items is Important?

Why Cleaning / Sanitizing Baby Stuff is Important! There are tons of reasons to clean and sanitize areas touched by babies - toys, cribs, high chai...